If your goal is EE then you should have finished pre calculus and high school physics/chemistry by the time you graduate high school. When you enter 4 year university, you will take a test called ept/elm. Generally people who fail has one year to make up high school math science course. Now assume you haven't taken algebra 2, trig and precalculus, basic physic and chemistry, You have to take them in Junior college. Why, because if you don't finish them in your first year university you get disqualified and kicked out of EE program.
From there you take Calculus 1,2,3, linear algebra, differential equation (ode,and Partial), discrete math.
Physics 1,2,3 ; chemistry 1, (C++, assembly lang) EE circuits + lab. Every EE class comes with Labs that worth 0 units, but if you fail lab you fail the course. Lab is 3 hour course every week on top of class in matlab, pspice, VHDL/Verilog, (C++ assembly) or circuit building.
Basically if you take 4 EE class, it comes with 12 hour of lab per week. Kiss your social life goodbye.
Non of these course satisfy you GE requirement except for calc 1 and chemistry 1/physics 1, so you need to take those on top of your EE requirements. Usually EE graduate with 200 units, because these EE prep course don't satisfy GE.
Its hard time consuming major that takes a guy with 110 IQ 4.5- 5 year to graduate from. But like medical school it reward you with a great future.
Personally, I'll have it no other way, I don't want to graduate with a 4 year degree and find out no body hiring a social science major and start working in sale at a local insurance company lol.