Runner16 ♥ ツ
2011-12-26 13:14:03 UTC
I like math and science, but I'm not a STEM student (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). I was offered to be in the STEM program at my high school but I didn't because I didn't want to do AP Bio as a sophomore. I've taken a lot of stem classes though (AP Physics, AP Statistics, currently in AP Calculus AB and AP Chemistry) and I've taken honors classes. I'm pretty good at math and science but not very good at english and history. I feel that I'm not very logical and I don't memorize things well like a lot of my classmates do.
I've been looking at engineering because I want to do something in the medical field that doesn't involve one-on-one with a patient but working with a team on machines and stuff. I like the idea of working with medical imaging but "behind-the-scenes" on the scanners and such. I want to work with a team.
Could I be an engineer? I'm in the top 10% of my class, I have a 3.99 weighted GPA, I'm not a very good test taker so my SATs were in the 1600s and my ACT was a 25 (27 for math, 26 for science). I've always gotten As and Bs, never any Cs.
My parents don't think I could handle it and my sister started off as an engineering major but dropped it. She didn't take the AP classes I took though.
Could I handle it?