DEFINITION-Capacitor is a simple electronic device that is used to store electrical energy. They are only used to store the electrons and they are not capable of producing them. Previously in old TV sets or Radio you would find them as cylidrical (ceramic or myca) with 2 legs with uF (micro Farad sign) You can also see them attached to Table fans in cylindrical white color. Due to Microelectronics size has shruck n Now they come in IC (chip) form embedded in electroic MCB of TV/Remote/Computer/Mobile every electronic item.
STRUCTURE- capacitor consists of two metal plates which are separated by a non-conducting substance or dielectric. (eg porcelain (ceramic), mica, glass, plastics, and the oxides of various metals) Dielectric is poor conductor of electricity, but an efficient supporter of electrostatic fields.
WORKING of capacitor
Though any non-conducting substance can be used as a dielectric, practically some special materials like porcelain, mylar, teflon, mica, cellulose and so on. A capacitor is defined by the type of dielecric selected. It also defines the application of the capacitor.
According to the size and type of dielectric used, the capacitor can be used for high-voltage as well as low-voltage applications.
For applications in radio tuning circuits air is commonly used as the dielectric. for applications in timer circuits mylar is used as the dielectric. For high voltage applications glass is normally used. For application in X-ray and MRI machines, ceramic is mostly preferred.
The metal plates are separated by a distance “d”, and a dielectric material is placed in-between the plates.
The dielectric constant of the dielectric material = e0e………………e0 is the dielectric of air.
The dielectric material is the main substance that helps in storing the electrical energy.
Definition of Capacitance
There are mainly two concepts for defining capacitance.
ELECTRICAL concept -
Capacitance is said to be the capacitor’s storage potential. In other words, for an existing potential difference or voltage “V” across the plates, the capacitance is said to be the amount of charge “Q” stored in between the plates.
Capacitance, C = Q/V
PHYSICAL concept - capacitance is defined by the physical characteristics of the two plates, such that the capacitance is equal to the ratio between the square area of a plate and the distance between the plates multiplied by the dielectric of the material in between the plates
Capacitance, C = e0e A/d
The capacitance is measured in Farads.
A capacitor is said to have 1 Farad of capacitance when the capacitor can hold 1 amp-second of electrons at 1 volt at a rate of electron flow of 1 coulomb of electrons per second. As 1 Farad is a big value, the capacitors are usually denoted in micro farads.
Since the capacitor can discharge in a fraction of a second, it has a very large advantage. Capacitors are used for appliances which require high speed use like in camera flash and laser techniques.
Capacitors are used to remove ripples by removing the peaks and filling in the valleys.
A capacitor allows ac voltage to pass through and blocks dc voltage. This has been used in many electronic applications eg Inverter used in homes.
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Manish Nagpal
ECE Graduate.