When I started in electronics in 1982, SMT resistors and caps were widely available. Perhaps a few of the largest sizes were developed later. We introduced merchant SMT IC packages from about '75 through '85. A few fine pitch/high lead count types are ongoing. Through the 80's and 90's, there were many product announcements of SMT inductors and other components (triac's, etc).
Per Wiki, SMT started with IBM in the '60's. The Saturn V computer it points to had thick film resistors screen on small hybrid modules, typical IBM stuff. So, they were not using chip caps and resistors as of 1964.
4 places to look:
1. Check company websites that make SMT components, check their history, ask them for timing info.
2. Standards organizations: EIA/JEDEC and EIAJ (Electronic Industries Association; Joint Electronic Devices Electronic Council; EIA of Japan). These standards committee's define the sizes of components; typically requires 2 - 5 years to standarize after first use. Look up the revision history of the specs, old rev's are probably still available online or from the organizations.
3. Research different SMT devices such as computers, and how they were made. You can look at online museums to see the technologies used. Old periodicals, like Electonic Component News are probably available somewhere. They would have product anouncements.
4. There are some market analysis companies that do market studies. One might give you old studies if you could figure out how to get hold of them.
Good luck!