The computation for position from GPS is pretty simple trig. Wouldn't have taken more than a few dozen milliseconds on a Apple II+ even though done at 32-bits. Math packs for 32-bit and higher had to run in 64kbytes of 8-bit RAM, clock speed was slightly over 1MHz.
A better example for such a benchmark would be something like generating a frame of Call Of Duty. Similar sort of math, but must be applied hundreds of thousands of times per frame at 60 frames per second. And operating in a 3-D virtual world. Just guessing, I'd say each frame would take a couple of hours to do on a 1980 Apple IF you built a 4GB memory expansion for it, with the drivers to use it. Of course, that memory expansion board would have been built out of 64k x 1-bit dynamic RAM chips of the day, so the board would have required, lessee, 4 gig is 32 bits, 64k is 16 bits, so 64K of chips times 8 bits equals 512,000 chips. Pretty big board... each chip was about 0.30" x 0.90", call it 0.5" x 1.0" for traces, doesn't that work out to a board about 42 by 42 FEET? Naw, let's make it practical and call it 1764 boards, 1-foot square.
EDIT - Hmmm, those RAM chips were power hogs compared to the RAM of today, something like a hundred mills each at 5V? (Good thing those 64kb chips only needed a 5V supply, the previous generation of 16k chips needed +5, -5, and +12!). So those 512k of chips would have required 50,000 amps at 5 volts, or 250kW of energy.
I guess things HAVE improved over the last few decades...
PS - The math for GPS positioning would fit in a spreadsheet of Visicalc maybe 20 x 20 cells or smaller. With the optional 8087 co-processor in an original IBM PC, results would update virtually instantly.