So I assume you have a (existing) contact of some sort, and 1 meter away you want some electronics that detects whether that contact is closed, and for how long....
Forget RFID, it is passive. You can detect proximity and identity, but the RFID tag doesn't really transmit a signal (it tells the receiver what to make of it).
Bluetooth can work, and the original idea of Bluetooth was actually having various appliances and electronic devices "talk" to each other (digitally). That failed (so far) on agreeing to a standard protocol, as usual (NIH syndrome).
I would use a cheap and cheerful FM transmitter and receiver which you can get for just a few bucks from Http:// That's what I have done to detect whether my mailbox door (invisible from the house) is open or closed.
A Bluetooth solution would definitely have been more expensive.
I think the word "contact" caused the confusion, what you want to detect is "proximity".
Yes, RFID can certainly do that, but every person must then have not only a unique RFID tag, but also a RFID Reader. And then every RFID Reader must be connected to some form of logic device which either stores (for later retrieval) who came within 1 meter with whom and for how long, or those data are being sent "real-time" to a "central processing logic", either by RF or Bluetooth (depends on how far the central station is away from the mingling crowd).
It is technically do-able, but I don't think it already exists, and it would be quite an interesting engineering feast.
I charge $25.-- per hour R&D time..... ;-)