2012-06-02 15:33:36 UTC
The output of the 555 goes to a 2N3904 that controls power to an LED array. The power to the chip is an 18V wall wart, that feeds to the chip through (initially 68 ohms, that burned so now only 22 ohms, the only higher wattage resistor i had around) Because of the resistor burning (oh, and the lights didn't flash, just went on constant) I figured something was wrong- I took some measurements, the whole circuit (timer and LEDs) is pulling almost an amp. The LEDs alone, connected directly to power normally only pull a few hundred milliamps and I know a 555 should only pull a couple mA, so what's wrong? Did I fry my 555? I haven't spotted one yet, but if there were a solder bridge somewhere, where might one be to cause this?
And please no "OMG you're a f*cking idiot, you did this this and this wrong" answers, I'm new to building electronics, this is me trying to learn.