2008-06-18 16:40:56 UTC
ok im making and electric wats will look like a bb gun but with mettale BB's and with spears but short, i need to know how can i make a gun trigger let electricity paas through from the batteries to the wires that will go to the brass or copper coil i dont remember witch will make a manet and pull a spring that will push a mettal BB but i need to know how to make a trigger let electriciy pass from the batteries to the wire but it has to look exactly like a gun trigger or a water gun trigger it will look like a pistole if you have any ideas please aport them, the reason of this invention is that i feel that my house is going to be robbed and i want to have an arm that wont exantly make a bunch of blood and i dont wat to buy anything becous it will brake with my use. please help me out with this.. it will be my firs invention of the many im gona make when i grow up to be an electromechanic engenier thankyou