The heart is a pump. A CPU is not a pump. Therefore, a CPU can not replace the heart.
The brain is a place where data is constantly processed and analyzed - only a part is used for storage. Therefore, replacing the brain with a HDD would make the owner unable to move, sense, think or even breathe.
There are humans walking around with an electrical replacement for the sinoatrial and/or atrioventricular nodes, called a "pacemaker". There are humans walking around with replacement hips, legs, arms, kidneys, hands, eyes and ears. It has already happened.
But human development will never automatically feature metal, electrical or computational components without the use of outside intervention: the human body can not process metals*, so any artificial component will have to be added from the outside.
* eating metals, digesting metals, turning metals into solid components, keeping those components dry and using them to build hugely complex electrical systems are things the round and squishy biological cells won't be able to cope with.