I don't think your question is asking to do something sensible. Devices control how much electrical power they get based on their needs. For example, a computer is either on or it's off. If it's off, it takes basically no power. If it's on, it takes what it needs, say 100 watts.
If you have two computers as your two loads, and they each need 100 watts to operate, what sense does it make to ask how to send 90% of the power one way and 10% the other?
There may be a more specific context in which your question makes sense, but to answer it, I'd have to guess what that context was. Try asking a more specific question with much more detail about what you're actually trying to do.
If you're talking about typical household electricity, and you want to allow one load to take 100 amps and the other to take 10 amps, you could use circuit breakers. This will allow one load to take *up* *to* 100 amps and the other to take *up* *to* 10 amps. If any load exceeds its rating, it will be shut off until the circuit breaker is reset.
But this won't affect the actual amount of power going to each load. Each load will take what it needs while it's on.