2011-05-28 18:02:30 UTC
I have seen a set with five 7-pin valves and I just want to know, how do you get an oscillator and mixer onto a 7-pin base?
In a British set, the usual 5 valves are: UCH81 oscillator and mixer, UF89 IF amp, UBC81 detector and audio preamp, UL84 audio power amp and UY85 rectifier. (Some makes used a power transformer and essentially the same valves but with the prefix E instead of U, and an EZ80 full-wave rectifier.)
The oscillator is a triode (3 pins). The mixer is a hexode or a heptode (6 pins either way, if g5 is joined internally to the cathode). With a shared cathode (-1 pin), the second and fourth grids of the hexode joined (-1 pin) and the oscillator grid joined internally to the third grid of the mixer (-1 pin), that still needs 6 pins for the signal connections.
Unless it was at the bottom of the heater chain, so one of the heater pins could be connected to the cathode, I can't see any way of getting an oscillator and mixer into the same valve.
Or were American sets built with the oscillator and mixer separate?