what does the symbol "CE' in many electronic gadjets stands for?why it is necessary?
2007-01-10 04:56:58 UTC
CE certificate given to the materials even in calculators,computers,etc.........
Seventeen answers:
2007-01-10 09:21:47 UTC
Conformité Européenne.

(The CE (Conformité Europeenne) Mark is affixed on products that meet the safety standards that apply to all countries of the European Union (EU). To be able to add this Mark to their products, manufacturers have to follow a set of procedures of which a description follows.

To facilitate the free movement of goods and services within the EU and assist manufacturers exporting their product to Europe, the Single European Act was created. In the terms of the Act a series of directives were issued.

Each of these directives covers a range of products and sets out the essential safety requirements that products-including imports-must satisfy before they may be sold anywhere in the EU. Products covered by one or more directives of which the most common ones are listed below, must meet the requirements set out in the directive (s) together with the standards issued under the authority of the directive.)

Please visit:
gonzalo g
2007-01-10 05:08:57 UTC
The CE mark (officially CE marking) is a mandatory safety mark on many products placed on the single market in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Officially, CE has no meaning as an abbreviation, but may have originally stood for Communauté Européenne or Conformité Européenne, French for European Conformity.

It is necessary because by affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer, or its representative, or the importer assures that the item meets all the essential requirements of all applicable EU directives. Examples of European Directives requiring CE marking include toy safety, machinery, low-voltage equipment, R&TTE, and EM compatibility. There are about 25 Directives requiring CE marking.

If you notice, that making is only placed in electronics.
2007-01-10 05:07:01 UTC
A CE Marking is a European marking of conformity that indicates that a product complies with the essential requirements of the applicable European laws or Directives with respect to safety, health, environment and consumer protection. Generally, this conformity to the applicable directives is done through self-declaration. The CE Marking is required on products in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) to facilitate trade between the member countries. The manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the EEA is responsible for affixing the CE Marking to his product. The CE Marking provides a means for a manufacturer to demonstrate that his product complies with a common set of laws required by all of the countries in the EEA to allow free movement of trade within the EEA countries.

Unlike the UL Mark, the CE Marking:

Is not a safety certification mark,

Is generally based on self-declaration rather than third party certification, and

Does not demonstrate compliance to North American safety standards or installation Codes.

A product that bears a CE Marking may also bear a certification mark such as UL's Listing Mark, however, the CE Marking and the UL Mark have no association. The UL Mark indicates compliance with the applicable safety requirements in effect in North America and is evidence of UL certification, which is accepted by Model North American Installation Codes such as the National Electrical Code and the Canadian Electrical Code.
2007-01-10 06:10:01 UTC
As said before, CE stands for Conformité Européenne, frenche for european conformity.

For all goods traded within the european community the CE-marking is obligatory by european laws.

The CE-marking consists of a set of safety, environmental, and health rules for products and deals with consumer rights. The manifacturors themselves have to do tests on their products to proof they meet the required standards, in some cases a niotified body is to do the tests.
2016-05-23 07:29:35 UTC
Being kinder to others makes your own battles seem less or even seems to fight your own battles for you. I am a giver generally and feel my problems are insignificant compared to others when there was a time when it was the opposite, at a time I did very little giving. That was a personal cycle I went through and feel if everyone was doing similar then naturally there would be more order and peace. I would say I am a more generous soul now, but less tolerant of those who are 'needy' Is that a contradiction? I liked Haz's answer too - I feel I have and do more than my fair share of being kind
2007-01-10 05:13:00 UTC
That "CE" in many electrical/electronic devices stands for "Conformitte Europine".....I am an electrical engineer working with a japanese firm constructing power plants. I had read about that but the only thing is that I am not sure if that is the correct spelling. This signifies that this device conformes with European standards so therefore an implication of good quality.
2007-01-10 05:04:12 UTC
The CE symbol shows that the product complies with certain safety critera/legislation. I work in a factory and we must ensure that certain equipment has the CE marking and certificate to show it conforms and should be safe. It is similar to the kitemark symbol which is used to show that products are of good quality.

See webpage before for full details
2007-01-10 05:31:47 UTC
It is a full quality assurance system, they are seperate auditing bodies that certifies under Annex II section 3 of the directive of EEC which declares the quality assurance for design and manufacturing of the products and the final marketing of the same. This quality assurance system confirms to the provisions of the directive and is subjected to periodical surveillance by the audit authorities most manufactures concider this certificate as mandatory, as it establishes good manufacturing practise.
2007-01-10 05:45:03 UTC
CE means certification and testing. It is required by the EU for electronic products for sale in the EU countries. Testing follows the EU specifications CENELEC for such products.
2007-01-10 05:06:31 UTC
It stand for Conformite European.

Certain types of product require this marking to be legally sold anywhere in the EU. It ensures the product meets all requirements of all relevant European directives.

Once it qualifies for and carries the mark, it can legally be sold throughout the EU and local jursidictions cannot create obstacles to its sale.
2007-01-10 06:03:40 UTC
The CE Mark is a manufacturer's mark (useually found on the nameplate of the device) that indicates the device conforms to the 'quality' standards and 'performance' standards set forth by the European Union and European Free Trade Association. It is similar to the national standards found in other countries like Britain (British Standard = BS), USA (Underwriter's Laboratories = UL), Canada (Canadian Standards Association = CSA), Japan (Japan Standard = JS), China, India, Australia, and so on. Remember though - all standards are NOT created equal ... because something meets one standard does not mean it meets another!

Oh yes - when it says below that the mark applies to electrical equipment, this means it applies to ALL electrical equipment, from electronic devices (like calculators and computers), to large power equipment (like transformers, circuit breakers, switches, motors, generators, and isolators).

CE Marking (CE-Marking) is also called sometimes "CE Mark" and is a mandatory mark for many (approximately 70%) of the products sold on the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) plus European Union (EU) market - a total of 28 countries. It is often referred as the "Trade Passport to Europe" for non-EU products.

EU legislation, e.g. EU directive concerning Liability for Defective Products, make EU importers liable for the products they import, including the machinery they provide to their employees for work. Many non-EU exporters are finding that no matter how interested a prospective EU importer may be in the product, the importer will NOT risk importing non-conforming products (i.e. the products without CE Marking) which, in case of accident, may generate legal action against them. The liability claims in a law suit can be as high as 70 millions EUROs.

CE Marking may be achieved through several modules. One of the most practical ways, which is preferred by many EU importers who are neither specialized in the complicated CE Marking process nor willing to take risk, is that the manufacturer designates an Authorized Representative in the EU member states who will handle the CE Mark approval, CE testing issues and ensure to meet the CE mark requirements, meanwhile the importers and/or distributors focus on the marketing and sales of the products.

The manufacturer may need only ONE Authorized Representative in EU whereas may have many importers and/or distributors. The Authorized Representative may in some cases register the product(s) in the EU member states and thus obtain a Certificate of Registration. The Product Certificate of Registration for CE Marking obtained from one EU member state is valid for the entire EFTA plus EU market, i.e. 28 countries.

In general, CE Marking is most probably required if you want to sell, to the 25 European Union (EU) and 3 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states, the following 22 groups of products:

- appliances burning gaseous fuels

- cableway installations to carry persons

- construction products

- electrical equipment

- equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres

- explosives for civil uses

- hot water boilers

- household refrigerators & freezers

- lift

- machinery

- marine equipment

- measuring instruments

- medical devices

- active implantable medical devices

- in vitro diagnostic medical devices

- non-automatic weighing equipment

- personal protective equipment

- pressure equipment

- simple pressure vessels

- recreational craft

- radio equipment & telecommunications terminal equipment

- toys

- trans-European conventional rail system.
2007-01-10 05:05:37 UTC
"CE" stands for certificate of excellence. It is necessary for proving the product for the international standards. ( as "ISI" stands for quality standard recognition in the indian market)
2007-01-10 05:21:50 UTC
Certificate of excellence. Just a quality assurance tag.
2007-01-10 05:04:02 UTC
i think its 1 of those tests that the material or device has to pass beofre it can be sold to customers, kinda like the health n safty rules these days...
2007-01-10 05:04:34 UTC

Basically, it's the European version of "UL" (Underwriters Laboratory)
2007-01-10 05:05:19 UTC
ce means calcium carbonate
2007-01-10 05:07:16 UTC
its a european standard CONFORMITE EUROPEENE

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