Is it me or do a lot of people struggle in this course? I'm taking it at a university. I want to major in Civil Engineering, but I fear I am doing very badly in my Statics class. There will be a curve, but I believe I am doing so badly that even with being graded on a curve I will still have a low grade. Unfortunately, I think I am going to be retaking Statics in the spring at my university. I also have to take a course in Dynamics and another course in Mechanics of Materials. Is struggling in Statics an indication that I will probably not succeed in Civil Engineering? I felt like I understood what was going on in lecture and even what the textbook talks about, but the textbook problems seem incredibly difficult. I struggle a lot when it comes to figuring out how to start a problem. We are using the Engineering Mechanics: Statics 5th Edition by Bedford and Fowler. There is also no student solutions manual available for this textbook. The TA's in my class are really harsh graders. I was hoping that because of the difficulty in the problems that there would be some leniency in grading, but this is not the case. I won't be applying to my university's College of Engineering until June for the fall quarter. I am worried that a bad grade in Statics and the fact that I retook it next quarter in spring will look bad to admissions. Do a lot of people struggle in this course? I do not want to give up on my dream of becoming an engineering major just because of this one class. Any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.