Dear Dan:
Electrical Engineering is a very large piece of
knowledge real estate.
But as a discipline, here's what you can expect to
learn. The BASICS of :
a: Basic Mathematics
b: Algebra
c: Geometry and Plane Trigonometry
d: Analytic Geometry
c: First term Differential and Integral Calculus
d: English as a first language
e: Expository writing
f: American Fed. Government.
g: Logic
h: Basic Circuit Components
- Terminology
- Basic Circuit Analysis
- Circuit structure
- AC and DC principles and history
- capacitance, resistance and inductance
- Methods of measurement
i: Magnetism and Electromagnetism
- Physics
- terminology
- fields
- magnetic theory
j: Solid State Theory
- Gate Theory
- The Josephson Theory
- The transistor
- Integrated Circuit Theory
- LSI ( Large Scale Integrated circuit theory)
- The Evolution of LSI
- Principles of LSI construction
- Field Effect Transistors
- Metal Oxide Transistors
k: The Modern LSI and calculating devices
- LSI Architecture
- LSI planning and Construction
l: Principles of Stored Program Computers
Intro to Basic Computing
- Systems
- Printed Circuit Logic
- Computing Systems Components
m: Basic Machine Logic
- Mother Board and CPU Logic
- System Dignostics
n: System architecture and planning
o: Systems Analysis
p: System Construction
q: System Design and Decisions
r: Organizational Leadership
s: The Work Group
t : Summary of Course Work
u : Creation, Design and Implementation
of Proprietary Systems
v : Patents and Copyright processes
w : Modern Business Principles.
IT : Intro to FORTRAN programming.
IT : Intro to BASIC programming.
- program debugging
Use of the Scientific Calculator