I studied Industrial Engineering (IE) and graduated in 2011. IE and ME were once the same major. They split in 1909 and that is when IE was born. I specialized in product design and development and human factors/interface design. I expected the same thing as you. To work in automotive field and manufacturing.
My first job was as a mechanical engineer working in HVAC design and building construction in the biomedical field. It was an “okay” job, but overall boring. Then I got a job in manufacturing in the power and energy industry. Meanwhile, my wife, an Industrial Engineer, got a job with Volvo in their manufacturing plant. She was responsible for maintenance, crankshafts and camshafts, and the engine paint line. She got my dream job.
I am still in the same manufacturing engineering position and I enjoy it. I was just interviewed for a business analyst job because of my background and knowledge in analysis and six sigma black belt certification. I went for the interview and I ended up not liking the position. Most business analyst’s job try to save a company money by analyzing their services or products for potential savings. This could be improving labor productivity, reducing waste, standardizing processes, or investing in training and new software’s. It was a highly data driven, analytical based desk job. I decided not to take the job, even though the pay was higher with equal benefits to what I get now. It was too boring for me.
Everyone is different so you might like it. Many Engineering Co-ops and internships are cross functional roles where you communicate with many departments including supply chain, sales, and customer service.
Even better, find a company with a rotational program for new hires. They take engineering recent graduates, and send them to different locations for Three 6-12 month rotations. Each rotation, you try a different job. I know a few engineers who did this. They worked as engineers in their first rotation. They worked in supply chain for their 2nd rotation. And then sales in their third rotation. And then they get a permanent job with the company in whatever department or location they want.