Go to your local Library and take the Vocational Aptitude tests. These should be in the reference section. If not ask a librarian.
These tests will assist you in finding which field is best for you to work in for the rest of your life. This is the field you are best suited for, the easiest for you to learn, the one you will be happiest working in and make the most contribution.
There are several tests which narrow down the fields to a specific job area.
It will take you several hours over a couple of weekends to narrow it down to a job.
You don’t have to follow it but it helps to know what it is when choosing your paths and in choices A vs B in your career.
These tests are free at the library but you can also do these same tests online for a small fortune.
Another one is the ASVAB online for free.
It is distressing watching someone struggling along in a field he isn’t suited for and doesn’t like.
It was the best thing I ever did for me. My path was obvious after I did the tests.
The path may surprise you