After writing a lot of this I realized that there is too much for this space. The short version is provided.
There are a number of different resources you can use to build practical skills. To start with, you will need some pieces of equipment that everybody from the hobbyist to the most skilled Electrical
Engineer or physicist should have (in case you do not have some of this equipment):
>a DMM - short for digital multimeter - I recommend you spend about $60 on one at this point,
>solid core wire, 22 AWG, three rolls, one black, one red, and one green or white,
>wire cutters/strippers or wire cutters and wire strippers,
>solderless breadboards - the longer type such as this one:,
>an oscilloscope - USB for PC versions are more affordable that standalone DSO's and will do for a couple of years but a standalone with at least two inputs would be nice (affordale USB versions:
Parallax Prop Scope has both scope and fx gen, PoScope, Velleman - look them up for one you think will work - make sure to check the frequency range),
>a DC power supply - you can convert one or two old tower PC power supplies for your puposes or there are kits available,
>a function generator - check eBay or a kit or a DIY for more affordable versions, Instructables also has some decent projects you can use - building it yourself can be instructive as well as useful -
as with the oscilloscope, check the frequency range or bandwidth,
>a static free workpad (since you are studying electrical engineering and will work with CMOS ICs),
>a static free wristband,
>a three prong grounding cord (which you can make yourself by soldering a high wattage resistor of around 1 Mohm - 5 Mohm value, make it 5 W, to the grounding wire attached to the grounding prong) - which you attach your workpad and your wristband to when working,
>a hobby level soldering station with a dial to adjust the termperature but no digital readout (to expensive) with a few different sized tips,
>fine gauge solder, fine gauge is better because you can always add more solder while soldering but if the solder is too large you cannot take it way without rework,
>solderstation sponges,
>alcohol dispernser (use 99% alcohol whenever possible), and
>horsehair cleaning brush for use with the alcohol to clean your solder joints (cut the brush bristles down to about 1/4" before using).
Absolute necessities: a DMM, solid core wire, solderless breadboards, and soldering supplies.
There are so many resources out there that it takes a long time to list all of them. Here are the ones that I think will help you the most and act as a good jumping point for the rest:
>Instructables website,
>Make magazine and website,
>Let's Make Robots, and
>WISC-ONLINE for the tutorials on electronics for which I recommend using one or more textbooks as a guide to working through them - I realize this might seem a step back for a student of electrical engineering but the simplistic visuals give a good idea of the practical side of electronics in operation.
There are so many other websites out there that it is incredible. Search them out. Look up forums and email digest/forums on whatever electronics subject you are working on. Yahoo has them, microcontrollers, programming languages, and guitar stompboxes (useful for working with signals) have them.
There are a of books available. Check out all the standard series books such as Dummies, etc. as well as Evil Genius and many others or any books that you see on forums.
Some suppliers have tutorials on their websites so check to see if they do. Adafruit Industries and Sparkfun have them. Some components manufacturers have similar material. You can download Parallax pdf's for free and use the books as needed. This could be especially useful for their analog signals book. Of course, Parallax sells all the stuff they list with their books.
If you would like more specifics I can provide this as well.
In the end, figure out what your goals are for the coming term. You might want to go all basic electronics first and work your way to more complicated circuits. This could take you as little as one week because you will already know most of the material from classes taken. Only one or two projects would be necessary to build from the basics to get a feel for building circuits. You could end up practicing with more complicated circuits as you progress such as building a robot kit or from scratch. Another method would be to work on both the basic electronics and something like a robot kit at the same time. Beginner's robot kits are simple enough so that you do not need a lot of knowledge about electronics to build them.